Thursday, September 07, 2006

On 21 August 2006 I emailed Tim Levell to confirm that some of us have felt over the last few years Newsround has seemed to exclude lgbt news and people, and also to ask if possible he would make the future of the programme more inclusive - for example, by reporting news on initiatives to stamp out homophobic bullying in schools.

The BBC says it is "an open and transparent organisation which is trusted by the public it serves, seeks to engage its audiences in dialogue, to learn from them and to respond honestly to what they have to say."

Not having received a reply, I then gave Tim Levell the opportunity to answer the criticisms here in Newsround Bias blog, and also to write the 100th entry himself in any way he wished.

If, at the time you're reading this, the previous blog entry is still reserved space, it's because Newsround's editor has yet to take up, or to decline my offer to answer points in the blog.

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