Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Last Tuesday, and again tonight, Newsround advertised its Press Packer competition - Assignment: Interview the Children's Minister.

They suggested a few questions to ask like:

Why is my school closing down?
Can you clean up graffiti?
Why are chips so bad?

And Newsround's website says they're looking for a Press Packer to ask Beverley Hughes MP some tough questions about what she's doing to help young people.

Unfortunately I'm too old to enter this competition. If I was the right age I might ask the minister what she can do to help stamp out homophobia in schools. Or can she do anything to make CBBC inclusive? I don't think it very likely that my type of question would be selected.

Anyone wanting to enter the competition needs to be 12 years old or under, and a member of the Press Pack Club. Then they have to say in no more than 50 words what questions they would like to ask and why. The competition ends Friday 27 April.

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