Friday, September 30, 2011

BBC Statements of Programme Policy 2011/12

If you've been desperately searching for the BBC Statements of Programme Policy 2011/2012 don't worry because the Statements do actually exist. Despite the best efforts of Lord de Mauley to repeal Section 266 of the Communications Act 2003 at the start of 2010, Section 266 is still in place.

For the years between 2005 and 2010 inclusive, SoPPs can be found at URL with the xx replaced by the year in question (05 to 10)

However the current BBC's Statements are no longer at that URL, but are instead buried away in another document called "BBC Executive priorities and summary workplan for 2011/12"

One interesting thing to note about the Statements of Programme Policy 2011/2012 is that the 'Accountability' section, which appeared in all but the very first (2003/2004) SoPP, has now been taken out. The removed wording:-

The BBC, as an open and transparent organisation which is trusted by the public it serves, seeks to engage its audiences in dialogue, to learn from them and to respond honestly to what they have to say.

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