Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It's Anti Bullying Week, and the first Newsround bulletin yesterday morning began with findings of a survey that kids often pretend to be no good at some subjects or activities to avoid the bullies. The topic was covered in more detail at 5pm

The second story yesterday morning was about religion -

Ricky: A big meeting starts today to decide whether to allow women to become bishops in the Church of England. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, and this man who'll replace him in January, the Right Reverend Justin Welby both believe women should be allowed to become bishops. But it's thought the vote tomorrow will be very close indeed.

The same issue was the lead in all three Newsround bulletins this morning. The first bulletin also included a vicar talking about the issue. (7.40am CBBC) -

Ore: People in charge of the Church of England will vote today to decide whether to allow women to become bishops. There'll be a big debate today followed by the vote, but many in the church disagree over the issue. It's 20 years since women were allowed to become priests, and some say there's no reason they shouldn't be able to take the next step up.

Revd Rose Hudson-Wilkin: We've got a lot of women, young women, growing up in the church. The message we're giving to them is: we only want you to clean the sanctuary, prepare the altar, put the flowers on, make the tea, clean the church - but that's all you're good for. That is an unacceptable message.

Newsround also mentioned the issue of women bishops when Rowan Williams was enthroned back in 2003. More recently there was this report from July 2012, and again a brief mention when Justin Welby was appointed.

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