Thursday, June 27, 2013

There were two landmark rulings yesterday in the Supreme Court of the United States. Firstly Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which declared that marriage can only be between a man and a woman, was ruled unconstitutional. Secondly the Court ruled that the proponents of Prop 8 in California had no legal standing to defend the Proposition. That means that same-sex Californian couples can, once again, marry.

Despite this significant human rights victory, the situation for LGBT people in a number of other countries continues to deteriorate. So how, for example, will western media organisations deal with recent homophobic legislation in Russia? Even before the law was passed, Anton Krasovsky, a former Russian TV presenter was sacked for outing himself on TV. Russia has shown an alarming increase in homophobia and physical violence against LGBT people.

The Children's Media Conference begins next week in Sheffield. This year the Conference is due to hold a session on something never discussed in the past - making programmes relevant to LGBT kids. The session, next Thursday, is called "Come Out and Play," and according to the CMC website "most children know their sexual orientation by the age of 12." The session is scheduled to take place on Thursday 4th July 2013 at 5.10pm in Showroom Cinema 2.

Does children’s media really reflect the diversity of society?

For a detailed answer to the question you can look back on more than 7 years of Newsround Blog posts. But the simple answer is an emphatic NO.

Carl Montclaire gets to kiss Jane Casey in Wingin It (series 1)

Wingin' It is a Canadian TV series. The series was selected as a finalist for the Shaw Rocket Prize 2011 when the BBC's own Director of Children's, Joe Godwin was one of the five international jury members. Canadian kids then chose Wingin' It as the winner.

Clip from this morning's episode of Wingin' It - Carl thinks Bianca is really hot

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